William Blake

William Blake
William Blake 
William Blake was born in London into a middle-class family on November 28, 1757.
 He was from earliest youth a seer of visions and a dreamer of dreams, and such he remained to the end of his days.
His teeming imagination sought expression both in poetry and in drawing. At ten years old, he began engraving copies of drawings of Greek antiquities, a practice that was then preferred to real-life drawing. Four years later he became apprenticed to an engraver. At the age of 21 Blake finished his apprenticeship and set up as a professional engraver. In 1779 he became a student at the Royal Academy, where he rebelled against what he regarded as the unfinished style of fashionable painters such as Rubens. He preferred the Classical exactness of Michelangelo and Raphael. In 1782 Blake met John Flaxman, who was to become his patron. In the same year he married a poor illiterate girl named Catherine Boucher.
Blake taught her reading and writing and even trained her as an engraver. At that time, George Cumberland, one of the founders of the National Gallery, became an admirer of Blake's work.

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